Jersey Shore Leader Named Chairman of CycleNation New Jersey

The American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, recently announced Bob Gold, one of the world’s leading behavioral technologists and founder of GoMo Health, will chair CycleNationTM New Jersey scheduled for Sunday, April 7, 2019 at the Asbury Park Boardwalk in Asbury Park, NJ.

CycleNation is the American Stroke Association’s newest event to revolutionize brain and heart health through high-energy stationary cycling events. In the U.S., heart disease and stroke remain the No. 1 and No. 5 leading causes of death, but up to 80 percent of cardiac and stroke events may be prevented with lifestyle changes such as eating healthier and exercising more.

“This event is geared to help New Jerseyans participate in healthy physical activity while raising funds to continue vital community programs and support research to end heart disease and stroke,” stated Gold.

Cycling has been shown to strengthen heart muscles, lower resting heart rates and reduce body fat levels. CycleNation is designed to celebrate our power to transform health in America, while banding together for a high-energy, endorphin-pumping ride where everyone’s a winner.

In his role as chair, Gold will recruit volunteers, businesses and organizations to support CycleNation.

“I’m excited to be part of the CycleNation initiative, raising funds for research and improving resources for people with cardiovascular disease, and being part of an exciting event in my hometown of Asbury Park,” continued Gold. “As we see longer lifelong management of chronic conditions, we’re witnessing the direct impact of research advancements on the health and wellness of Americans.  It’s exciting to be working with the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association on their mission to be a relentless force in building a world where active self-care management, behavioral modification and resilience are clear contributors to greater longevity and healthier years.“

Gold has more than 20 years applied research and development in the behavioral and cognitive science of human engagement. He is the founder of GoMo Health, which specializes in designing and implementing personalized patient engagement solutions that support the continuum of care.

To learn how you can join Gold at CycleNation New Jersey, visit or call the American Stroke Association at 609.223.3711.


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