
Greater Maryland Heart Walk – Tuesday Team Shout Out

Hi! I am Mike Mathis. In August 2017, at the age of 50, I had a “widow maker” heart attack and survived. Everything went right that day. From the decision to have my wife drive me to the hospital, to the ER Doctors and Staff not giving up on me, even after 40 minutes. I

hidden F.A.S.T. Friday – Survivor Spotlight – NeAnna

F.A.S.T. Friday – Survivor Spotlight – NeAnna

I am a survivor. I am a 40-year-old mom of three boys, a hairless Chinese crested and black cat and at the age of 33, I suffered my first silent stroke. I was employed with an organization that presented extremely intense situations daily. While I loved my career greatly and especially adored my colleagues, I

hidden STEMinist Brittany Young

STEMinist Brittany Young

Do you know what it means to be a STEMinist? Go Red for Women’s STEM Goes Red is bringing amazing STEMinists to your home through our Instagram series “Saturday STEM Spotlight.” STEM Goes Red strives to engage young women and mentors, increase the number of women pursuing STEM degrees in higher education, close the gender

hidden F.A.S.T. Friday – Survivor Spotlight

F.A.S.T. Friday – Survivor Spotlight

I’m A Survivor It was April 11, 2009, a normal Saturday morning.  I lived alone and had just gotten up to let my two dogs out.  My brother worked close by on the weekends and he had just called me to ask a favor.  I told him I would go brush my teeth then do

hidden Be a stroke champion during May, American Stroke Month

Be a stroke champion during May, American Stroke Month

Guest blog by Gina Petrone Mumolie, DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, Senior Vice President, Hospital Administration, Capital Health and board member for South/Central NJ American Heart Association Capital Health and the American Heart Association are thinking about you during this challenging time.  We hope you are taking all precautions to keep yourself, loved ones and coworkers

hidden Take steps to prevent secondary stroke for May, American Stroke Month

Take steps to prevent secondary stroke for May, American Stroke Month

As hospitals, health professionals and healthcare systems, governments and leaders work to reduce community spread of the coronavirus in the U.S. and protect the most vulnerable individuals, the American Heart Association encourages heart attack and stroke survivors to takes steps for secondary prevention. Reducing risk of another event and staying as healthy as possible is