Pies and silly string mark school’s commitment to heart health

Pies and silly string mark school’s commitment to heart health

Clinton Elementary School teachers and administrators joined in the celebration for the Kids Heart Challenge on June 22. Kneeling is Alexa Mahserjian, PE Teacher. From left, standing, are Director of Curriculum and Instruction Deb VanSlyke; fourth-grade teacher Emily Heintz; PE Teachers Travis Grogan, Heather Hillage-Scribner and Tom Trevisani; Principal Ellen Leuthauser; Superintendent Chris Clancy; Athletic Director Ed Waskiewicz; fifth-grade teacher Elgar Sykes; and art teacher Lynn Hall.

Students at Clinton Elementary School in Clinton celebrated their best year yet in participating in the American Heart Association’s youth program, now called the Kids Heart Challenge.

One hundred and fifteen students in grades 3 to 5 raised $9,377.04 to support the American Heart Association, while learning about healthy living. This is the most money students at Clinton have raised in their 21 years of participating in the program.

On Thursday, June 22, the school community celebrated its accomplishment. Teachers, the principal and even the school superintendent let the kids cover them in silly string, pie, paint, slime and shaving cream.

In addition to the fundraising, 18 students completed Finn’s Mission, named for a child who has had 18 open-heart surgeries. As part of Finn’s mission, students use the Kids Heart Challenge app to take different steps to reach their fundraising goal, and enjoy activities connected to health and wellness. As part of Finn’s Mission, 25 Clinton Elementary School families also learned Hands-Only CPR.

For information about being part of the Kids Heart Challenge, contact [email protected].