Healthy Travel Tips for the Holiday Season

By Jenna Werner, Guest Blogger, Registered Dietitian at Happy Slim Healthy 

Traveling is such a special & exciting thing. We get to get away for a few days (or more) explore a new place, relax & recharge and get out of our daily routines.

All of this sounds amazing, until we realize that sometimes getting out of our routine can be a little stressful.

So, is it possible to travel and maintain some of a routine in order to feel our best when we are away from home & enjoy every moment of these trips? I think so!

Whether travel is for business or pleasure, there should be an element of flexibility involved that you allow for. Specifically, for pleasure/vacation trips – you deserve the time off and the time away from your norm. You deserve the glass of wine, special desserts, or to skip a workout here and there.

I truly believe, that when we allow ourselves to get too far away from our routines, and we start to feel differently, we won’t be able to enjoy our moments and time away as much. The truth is, when you feel your best, you are able to put more into all that you do – and that includes relaxation. So, whether you are going away for a week or a weekend, there are a few things that you can do to keep yourself feeling your best, while enjoying the time away from your full normal flow of a routine.

At the end of the day, the choice is yours, but when the healthy choices are available to you…my recommendation is to make at least some of them.

To make it easier for you, I have a few of my top travel tips below. Customize these ideas to make them meet your needs. Do what YOU need to do to feel your best and enjoy your hard-earned time away. (And if it’s travel for the holidays or for business, these tips still apply because anytime you are taken away from your regular routine is a lesson. How you come back from those trips is also a lesson, and when the feeling of, “Monday” comes back after time away – it would be so awesome to not fear it!!)

What You Can Do.

1.)    Make a Plan.

2.)    Call your hotel, find out what you have access to in your room (fridge? More than that is just a bonus)

3.)    DRINK WATER – days leading up to travel make sure you are hydrating properly. While actually traveling – drink drink drink. Traveling can dehydrate us – change in climate, flying & just being distracted are barriers you have to overcome. DRINK YOUR WATER.

4.)    Keep your digestion regular.  Staying hydrated can help with this but, I would also recommend bringing a probiotic with you. When you are eating foods that you are not used to combined with traveling, our digestion can take a beating. Be prepared.

5.)    Find a way to MOVE MORE. This doesn’t have to be your regular level of intensity & it doesn’t have to be daily, but typically while away from home you may not get the same number of steps in you normally would.  So, find or make some time to move each day. Hotel have a gym? Great, use it! If you don’t, can you walk or run in the area? IF yes – do it!  Find a fun class in the area you are in, walk instead of taking a cab, take the stairs instead of the escalator. Rent bikes! OR combine these things as much as you can – 10 minutes a few times a day adds up quick and can be just as effective as planned exercise.  Here are also some great tips on how you can “move more” anywhere, anytime!

6.)    Order smart when out. Be mindful of sauces, dressings, preparation. You will be eating out more than when you are home, this is a given. Pick the things and meals you want to enjoy and indulge on. But, don’t let every meal be an indulgence. You will end up feeling lethargic and not be able to enjoy the day as planned!

7.)    Try and maintain your own eating schedule. Pack your snacks with you so that you have them on hand for when you get hungry. This way you don’t have to rely on convenience items.

8.)    Slow down, appreciate WHERE you are. Do what you can, be prepared, but also find the balance and enjoy this special time.

9.)    And when you get home? EVEN if you fell off, a little or a lot – who cares. Get back on your own horse. Don’t dwell, don’t look back (except to appreciate all the fun you had!) wake up, eat your breakfast, get back to your gym, and get back to normal.

Safe and Healthy Travels Friends,



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