Merrick Resident & AHA encourages NYto be the next state to pass the CPR in Schools legislation

Reason No. 17: A college graduation, a swearing-in ceremony, and a walk down the aisle

American Heart Association encourages New York to be the next state to pass the CPR in Schools legislation

Since suffering a sudden cardiac arrestfive years ago, Steve Tannenbaum of Merrick serves on four boards that promote CPR and AED use, and has spoken nationally about the importance of both. Tannenbaum is Reason No. 17 to pass the CPR in Schools bill.

“I was 56, playing softball at Oceanside High School, and I collapsed with sudden cardiac arrest,” Tannebaum said. “Two mothers who were picking up their children immediately started CPR. When the Nassau County Police arrived, they shocked me three times with an AED. Within two weeks, I celebrated Mother’s Day with my wife and family; attended my son’s graduation from college and my daughter’s swearing-in ceremony as a lawyer. Last December, I walked my younger daughter down the aisle as she was married. None of these miracles could have occurred if my 2 ‘angels’ hadn’t performed CPR upon me. I’m eternally grateful to them. The CPR in Schools bill will help create many more miracles and memories.”

An updated version of the CPR in Schools legislation (A9298/S7096) was introduced by Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg, D-Long Beach, and Senator Mark Grisanti, R-Buffalo. The Senate passed the bill on Thursday, June 12, and it is currently in the Assembly Rules committee.

Yesterday, lawmakers and media will receive a one-page document with Tannenbaum’s picture and a brief reason why the CPR in Schools bill should be passed. Since May 5, on each legislative session day, the American Heart Association American Heart Association has shared will share a real story of a New Yorker impacted by sudden cardiac arrest. Some lost their lives to sudden cardiac arrest, some were saved by sudden cardiac arrest, and some saved someone with CPR and/or an AED.

On June 3, nearly 100 volunteers – among them those depicted in the “reasons” – attended a CPR Rally in the Capitol to show how easy it is to learn the American Heart Association’s Hands-Only CPR.

“CPR is a lifesaving solution,” said Weisenberg. “As a former police officer, school administrator and lifeguard, I know firsthand that we need bystander CPR to save lives. Many people are alive today because individuals trained in CPR — including youth and adults who received that training in school — gave someone CPR until EMTs arrived. I’m committed to passing the CPR in Schools bill so that we can create a generation in which New Yorkers are prepared to save lives.”

“Schools prepare students with essential life skills, and CPR skills are among the most critical lifesaving skills that make our communities safer, year after year, said Grisanti. “It’s time to add New York to the growing list of states that have passed this legislation. I’m honored to sponsor the CPR schools legislation in the New York State Senate and I am proud to work in partnership with the American Heart Association and families in western New York to help make this bill become a law.”Image

“With the Senate passage of the CPR in Schools bill last week, New York moved closer to joining the 17 other states that already have CPR in Schools bills,” said Dan Moran, president of Next-Act in Albany and chair of the American Heart Association’s New York State Advocacy Committee. “We are very optimistic that by the end of this week, the bill will have passed the Assembly and be on its way to Gov. Cuomo’s desk for his signature. Nearly 424,000 people suffer sudden cardiac arrest each year, and only 10.4 % survive. Having CPR performed doubles or triples the chances of survival. It would be a shame for the legislature to adjourn without passing this bill.”

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