Federal Lobby Day

On June 26-27, more than 330 American Heart Association volunteers and staff from 46 states trekked to Washington, D.C. as part of the biennial You’re the Cure on the Hill to advocate for the protection of health care coverage, federal research support, and key legislation that will benefit Americans with cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Heart disease and stroke researchers and survivors met with legislators to stress the urgent need for more National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded heart and stroke research, Advocates urged their congressional members to prioritize NIH funding for heart and stroke research and to increase the NIH’s budget by $2 billion in fiscal year 2018.

Volunteers also asked lawmakers to support a cardiac rehabilitation supervision bill (H.R. 1155/S. 1361) and the Furthering Access to Stroke Telemedicine (FAST) Act (H.R. 1148/S. 431).

Support the efforts of your fellow advocates by taking action:

  1. Ask your lawmakers to Make Heart and Stroke Research a National Priority by increasing the National Institutes of Health budget by 6% or $2 Billion for 2018.
  2. Request Congress expand access to stroke telemedicine. 


Please contact your local congressmen and women to help save the lives of millions of Americans. For more information visit www.yourethecure.org.

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