Tony Foreman of Foreman Wolf named as the American Heart Association’s 2019 Heart Ball Chair

Congenital Heart Defects (CHD), problems with the heart’s structure that are present at birth, are the most common birth defects in the United States and the number one cause of infant deaths. Nearly 40,000 babies are born each year with a CHD.
In 1965, Baltimore’s Tony Foreman was 1 in 100 babies born with a CHD and is one of the nearly 2 million adults living with CHD today in the United States. This is one reason Foreman is taking the lead as chair of the 34th annual Baltimore Heart Ball.

“I was born in 1965 with a variety of cardiac defects,” said Tony Foreman, “Thanks to all the advancement in cardiac care and after four significant surgeries, I remain here and committed to defeating heart disease and furthering the work of the American Heart Association.”

The event that will take place on February 23, 2019 at the Baltimore Waterfront Marriott, brings together the region’s most influential medical, corporate and community leaders. A black-tie gala, with dinner, dancing, silent and live auctions, the Baltimore Heart Ball is Baltimore’s premier social event that salutes the impact the American Heart Association has on the Greater Maryland Community.

Best known throughout Baltimore as a successful restaurateur, wine expert, and radio host, Tony Foreman is the esteemed co-owner and founder of Foreman Wolf restaurants and wine shops including, Charleston, Petit Louis Bistro, Cinghiale, Bar Vasquez, Johnny’s, Lupa, Bin 604, and Bin 201. Foreman continues to set the precedent for superior service in Baltimore, managing over 300 employees offering some of the best hospitality in the country. Foreman Wolf has been recognized nationally by the James Beard Foundation Awards, Food & Wine Magazine, The Washington Post, and many more.

Today, Tony is joined by some of Baltimore’s most prominent leaders, at Charleston, who have agreed to be apart of the Baltimore Heart Ball’s Executive Committee, to begin to plan for a record-breaking year. For more information on how to get involved visit the Baltimore Heart Ball’s website.



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