The American Heart Association’s Field Day brings fun and activity into the workday, boosting employee morale and improving health, while also investing in the work of the American Heart Association.
Excelsior College, a not-for-profit online college in Albany, was the first Capital Region company to participate in Field Day, part of the American Heart Association’s Heart Challenge, which also includes The Heart Walk and Run, and CycleNation.
Field Day was designed to be a one-day event to get workers engaged in physical activity and boost morale. COVID-19 required something different, and 30 Excelsior College staff competed in four weeks of physical and mental challenges, from their remote workplaces, to make it Field DayS. Staff also raised $2,300 to help the American Heart Association fight heart disease and stroke.
“Excelsior College was very excited to be the first organization to participate in Virtual Field Days in the Capital Region and the Eastern States served by the American Heart Association,” said Alicia Jacobs, Sr. Manager, Internal Communications and Public Relations, Excelsior College. “This event was a creative, unique way to help the American Heart Association and allow employees to participate, while working remotely, in a friendly competition of exercise, eating healthy, sharing gratitude, raising money, and awareness to benefit those impacted by heart disease. All these elements are even more important during COVID, while individuals with underlying medical and heart conditions are at greater risk. We were excited to motivate each other and raise $2,300 during this 4-week challenge.”
“Personally, my family has dealt with heart issues and I have close friends and father-like figures that have dealt with such issues as well, said Excelsior participant Courtney Brinkman, Marketing Applications Support Analyst, Excelsior College. “I thought this would be a great way to show my support for the American Heart Association. I think what I liked most about this was how educational this was for me. I enjoyed some surprising facts AHA shared, the success story of a survivor and feeling of community. And a great part about this campaign was that there were different themes for each week to assist in ways of keeping individuals and their communities healthy.”
“This was a wonderful event and I’m glad I was able to participate,” said Shira Soch, MS Ed, Director Academic Evaluation at Excelsior College. “It provided a great way to feel connected while working remotely and to raise money for an important cause.”
“I applaud the American Heart Association for finding new and creative ways to keep the conversation about heart health going during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said John D. Bennett, MD, president and CEO of CDPHP and Heart Challenge Chair. “As a cardiologist and health plan CEO, it’s inspiring to see people actively participate in challenges like Field Day to continue the fight against heart disease and stroke. Congratulations to Excelsior College for being the first to be part of Field Day.”
To find out how your company can have a Field Day of its own, contact Jessica.Pettengill@heart.org or Kim.Sheedy@heart.org or visit http://www2.heart.org/FieldDayCapitalRegionNY.