Creating a Healthier Community in Chester County, PA by Passing the Complete Streets Policy

Transforming the way communities are designed makes it more likely that people across the U.S. will engage in activities such as walking, biking, rolling and using public transportation, according to two new reports published today in the American Heart Association’s flagship journal Circulation.  The advisory finds that by connecting activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations, such as work, school, shopping centers, parks, public transportation hubs and the like, people increase their physical activity levels by walking, biking or rolling, which ultimately improves cardiovascular health in all populations.

This is why the American Heart Association participated in stakeholder sessions to assist in the creation of the Chester County Complete Streets Policy and supported its passage by the Chester County Planning Commission.  Complete Streets policies like the one in Chester County support and promote safe and equitable active transportation options like walking and biking. This policy is part of AHA’s focus in southeastern PA to increase access to active transportation options and improve cardiovascular health for all residents in the region.