A fifth grader from Abington, Mass., is on a mission to raise money and awareness in the fight against heart disease in honor of his parents and grandmother.
The Abington News chronicled Jameson Gagnon’s impressive accomplishments in an article posted online this week.
The piece describes Jameson as being “a one man advocacy agency” during American Heart Month this February. This includes rallying his online class to wear red to mark National Wear Red Day on Feb. 5; preparing a PowerPoint presentation for his class about heart health; and even taking over his mother’s Facebook account to raise money for the American Heart Association.
“I want [people] to know February is heart month and you should keep your heart healthy, because your heart is a muscle and you only have one,” Jameson is quoted in the article.
Jameson was inspired to get involved in this issue after his parents developed heart issues following an illness a few years back. Las year his grandmother underwent a quadruple bypass, as well.
Jameson has already raised raised more than $2,000 as part of the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge, more than his entire school raised last year.
To read the full article click here.
Anyone interested in making a donation can check out Jameson’s Kids Heart Challenge page.