As part of World Stroke Day on Oct. 29, the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association is urging the public to sing a tune that could save lives.
The F.A.S.T. Song helps people learn the most common warning signs of stroke and what to do if one occurs:
If someone has a stroke near you, the F.A.S.T. song tells you what to do.
The letter “F,” it stands for face, if one half droops, no time to waste.
The letter “A” means an arm that’s weak, the letter “S” means it’s hard to speak.
The letter “T” means it’s time for 9-1-1, call right away so help will come.
Learn the song to show you care, and help end stoke each time you share.
Fewer than one in 10 people know what each F.A.S.T. letter means and one in three people can’t name any stroke signs, according to American Stroke Association studies. To help the public get in tune with the stroke signs, the association has several styles of the song and complete lyrics available on People are asked to share their favorite F.A.S.T. Song with family and friends on social media using #SingFAST.
“Most of us can recall using song to memorize something in history class like U.S. states in alphabetical order or the preamble to the constitution. It’s fun and it really works. The same principle works for learning stroke signs,” said Rani Whitfield, M.D., American Stroke Association volunteer who is also known as Tha Hip Hop Doc.
Stroke is the world’s second-leading cause of death and No. 5 in the United States. It’s also a leading cause of long-term disability – though largely treatable.
“Strokes are usually caused by a blood clot occluding an artery to the brain,” said Robert Dewey, M.D. Cardiologist at the New England Heart Institute and board member of the New Hampshire chapter of the American Heart and American Stroke Association. “This can be successfully treated with clot buster drugs which dissolve the clot and restore blood flow. The sooner this therapy is given the greater the benefit. So, if stroke is suspected, call 911 and get to the closest hospital. Early therapy could save your life.”
The F.A.S.T. Song and World Stroke Day campaign are part of the American Stroke Association’s Together to End Stroke initiative nationally sponsored by Medtronic. Together to End Stroke teaches Americans that stroke is largely preventable, treatable and beatable. To learn more, visit To join and follow the conversation on social media, use #SingFAST.