American Heart Association’s Golf Classic In Its 28th Year

Tennis Classic to return for 2nd year

On Monday, June 20, 2016 the American Heart Association will be hosting its 28th Annual Golf Classic-A Joel Hamroff Memorial Tribute at the Meadow Brook Club in Jericho.  Event Co-Chairs Steven Yanofsky, Parts Authority, Inc. and Harry Armon, ARCAP Partners, LLC along with the corporate and community leadership of Long Island will be participating to increase awareness of the importance of physical activity. This event provides an excellent networking opportunity while promoting exercise and physical activity. This year’s event will honor Louis C. Grassi, CPA, CFE, Grassi & Co.

The American Heart Association is excited to announce that the Tennis Classic will once again be a part of the day’s events.  The Tennis Classic will take place at the Crest Hollow County Club in Woodbury.  Jill Byrne and Yvonne Evelyn will Co-Chair the Tennis event. Paul Woodstock, Executive Vice President, U.S. Sales & Marketing, Biotronik Corp. will be the Tennis honoree.

Much progress has been made in the fight against heart disease and stroke. However, many Americans are still not getting the proper amount of exercise that will effectively combat risk factors for serious health issues. According to the American Heart Association, nearly 70 percent of American adults get no regular physical activity. Yet contrary to common perceptions, physical activity is just as important in preventing heart disease as other modifiable risk factors including smoking, cholesterol and blood pressure. A person is 1.5 to 2.4 times more likely to have coronary heart disease if he or she is inactive. Adult (and childhood) obesity/overweight level continues to increase: 65% of all Adults are obese or overweight.

There will be morning and afternoon shotgun starts to accommodate all participants for the golf event. There will also be themed holes and raffles along the 18-hole course.  Cocktail dinner reception and awards will follow.  For Tennis, a light morning breakfast will be served with round robin play to follow. Lunch will be served after the tournament.

Brisk walking around the golf course and playing tennis has many proven health benefits. Adults may gain as much as two hours of life expectancy for each hour of regular, vigorous exercise–like very brisk walking–even if they don’t begin exercising until middle age. Walking is the single most effective way for many Americans to establish and continue a healthy lifestyle to improve their heart health.

For more information, please visit and or call Tricia Murphy at 516-962-0802 for more information or sponsorship opportunities and join us as we tee off in the fight against cardiovascular disease and stroke!





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