Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in the U.S., taking the life of one in three women – almost one woman every minute. However, research shows that 80 percent of cardiac events in women are preventable and linked to poor choices involving diet, exercise and smoking. That’s why the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women® is helping women speak up for their hearts and change this statistic by offering a free 12-week makeover, Go Red BetterU.
Download the application here.
Powered by the science of the American Heart Association, Go Red BetterU provides guidance to help women transform their overall health through small, simple choices. Go Red BetterU gives women an opportunity to achieve a noticeably better state of well-being and heart health in just 12 weeks. Choose to be a BetterU at
Locally, Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation is the proud sponsor of the BetterU Challenge, a 12-week lifestyle change program. Twelve lucky participants will be selected to participate in the 12-week challenge. Each participant will receive:
• Baseline & 12-week medical readings by Health Quest Medical Practice
• 3-month membership to Gold’s Gym – LaGrange
• Personal training with Gold’s Gym
• Nutrition advice from a medical professional
• Group support from other BetterU participants
• The power, resources and tools of

Participants will be photographed before and after the 12-weeks, interviewed by media, asked to write about their experiences on the participant BetterU Blog, and help us celebrate the program by attending as our guests at the Go Red for Women Luncheon on November 9, 2017.
With Go Red BetterU, you’ll learn smart strategies and gain new information on improving and maintaining your health, along with the encouragement and advice of local coaches. Each week will focus on a different area to follow for a complete heart makeover. Live longer and stronger by taking 12 weeks to invest in your health!
Interested in becoming a participant? Read and complete the application by JULY 5th. Download the application here.
For more information, visit our website at or call 845-867-5379.
Sponsored by Central Hudson, Gold’s Gym, Health Quest Medical Practice, the Poughkeepsie Journal, and Q92.1FM.