Former Patriot and stroke survivor Bruschi to join advocates at State House lobby day

BOSTON – Former New England Patriot and stroke survivor Tedy Bruschi will join dozens of American Heart Association volunteers from across Massachusetts at the State House on Thursday to ask their representatives to enact policies to fight heart disease and stroke.

WHO: More than 75 American Heart Association volunteer advocates, including researchers, heart disease and stroke patients and survivors, caregivers and staff from Massachusetts will descend on the State House to fight for policies designed to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

Former New England Patriot and stroke survivor Tedy Bruschi will address the volunteers inside the Great Hall on the 2nd floor of the State House before they head to their legislative meetings. Bruschi suffered a stroke in February 2005 at the age of 31, just weeks after winning his third Super Bowl and days after returning from playing in the Pro Bowl in Hawaii.  As he recovered, he committed himself to being an advocate, spokesperson, and inspiration for stroke survivors in our area.

Other speakers on Thursday include advocate Diane Pickles, Sarah Sabshon, a healthcare policy analyst in the office of House Speaker Robert DeLeo, Sens. Jason Lewis (D-Winchester) and Mark Montigny (D-New Bedford), and Reps. Paul McMurtry (D-Dedham) and Danielle Gregoire (D-Marlborough).

WHAT: The American Heart Association’s annual lobby day, ‘Heart on the Hill.’

Association volunteers will urge state lawmakers to enact policies to prevent cardiovascular diseases and increase access to quality care. Specifically, they will advocate for:

    • Enacting a coordinated stroke system of care to ensure that Massachusetts residents are taken to the hospital best equipped to treat them – not necessarily the closest – following a stroke.
    • Raising the minimum legal sale age for all tobacco products to 21 years.
    • Requiring quality physical education standards in Massachusetts schools.

WHEN: Thursday, May 17, 2018

Speaking program: 11:15 a.m.

Advocates meet with lawmakers: 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.

WHERE: Great Hall, Massachusetts State House, 2nd Floor, 24 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.

Chris Camire
Senior Director of Communications

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