Making Myself a Priority

Today’s BetterU Blog is from: JANNA!


Where has the time gone? Our 12 week Challenge is winding down and it feels like it flew by! And yet, when I look at all that I have accomplished it feels incredible that I haven’t been doing this for much longer.

I once heard that it takes 21 days to create a habit, and in googling that to write this post I stumbled upon a study conducted at the University College of London that found it takes 66 days to form a habit. 66 days for you to get to a place where doing something to become automatic. I started this program with the hopes of creating some new habits – exercise, eating right and making myself a priority. I’m not sure if any of these things are automatic for me yet, but it has become much easier. I don’t have the final numbers from my last doctor’s appointment, but I am hopeful that it will show that these new habits are working. I certainly feel better than I did at the start of this, and I feel that’s more important. If something doesn’t make you feel good, it’s harder to do. I feel better when I make the right food choices and get to the gym, and that makes it easier to make it a priority.

I have a lonely job. While I am surrounded by people, none of them are co-workers. Some weeks I am in my office alone every day, and I just entered by 15th year in this position. While it’s nice to be in charge of my own environment – no one eats my lunch from the fridge and the temperature is always the one I want – it can also leave me feeling isolated. I didn’t realize how isolated I was until I met the wonderful ladies I’ve been on this journey with and the friends I’ve made at Gold’s Gym. I have received so much support from them all. My husband has been willing to step up and help get dinner on the table at night so I can get to the gym after work. The BetterU mentors and past participants have been available to answer questions, offer suggestions and be the friendly face in a new class. I was so lucky to find nice people at Gold’s who didn’t make fun of me when I didn’t know what I was doing or act put out when I wasn’t as fast or skilled as the rest of the group. I’ve been lucky enough to work with two trainers at Gold’s – DeQuan and Mike. Thank goodness they both believed in me, especially in the beginning when I didn’t really believe in myself.

A friend asked me this morning if I thought BetterU was worthwhile. It has been more than worthwhile! I find myself at a loss to describe just how incredible this experience has been. I have been blessed to be a part of it.

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