Ana Rodriguez, part of the 2019 Dutchess Ulster BetterU class, shared her enthusiasm of being in the BetterU! Here are her words –
What an “AWESOME” 1st week I have had😁 From the kickoff on August 16, to my 2nd personal training session with Kristen at Gold’s Gym on Aug. 22 to a Zumba Class and a Body Pump Class with a few half-hour cardio workouts on the Elliptical, and a few half-hour power walks on my lunch break, making better food and drink choices, especially after our Nutrition Seminar w/Ellie ,all I can say is THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! AHA for allowing me to be one of the “BETTER U PARTICIPANTS!” I am already feeling like “A NEW WOMAN” and am looking sooo forward to “A BETTER ME”…not just after this challenge is over but “FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE” XOX