Boston Lawyers Have Heart chairman on mission to fund research and change lives

BOSTON – The American Heart Association is pleased to announce that Josh Lanouette, senior manager of forensic and integrity services at EY, will be chairing the 2021 Boston Lawyers Have Heart 5K.

Lanouette, who is returning for his second year as chairman, will continue to lead an annual campaign that has been instrumental in advancing cardiovascular health for more than a decade.

Since the inception of Lawyers Have Heart, the American Heart Association has made important strides to reduce mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Each runner and donation continues to help save lives.

While Lanouette has experienced cardiovascular disease in his family – both his grandfather and father battled heart disease – he was initially drawn to the American Heart Association because of its efforts to get people to be more physically active.

“I wanted to get involved in supporting my community but also have it involve something that I was interested in and passionate about, which happens to be running and having an active lifestyle, so Lawyers Have Heart was a perfect fit,” said Lanouette, 31.

(left to right) Former Lawyers Have Heart chairwoman Laura Angelini, Josh Lanouette, and Honorary Chairman Dave McGillivray

Lawyers Have Heart began in 2008 as a 5K for the legal community and has evolved into a staple on Boston’s running calendar, attracting runners and walkers of all levels of experience and from all walks of life. This annual event attracts over 2,000 runners and walkers to participate on a course in the Boston Seaport.

In 2020, Lawyers Have Heart faced unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19. With health and safety of participants, volunteers, donors and staff as the top priority, the decision was made to transform the event into a virtual run and walk.

Hosted on Facebook, the virtual race experienced high engagement and reached thousands of people. Participants shared their experience by posting videos, comments and pictures on the social media platform.

Lanouette said he wants Lawyers Have Heart to continue to help the American Heart Association educate families across Greater Boston on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, fight to ensure communities have the highest quality of care, find cures for heart disease and stroke and lessen susceptibility to other illnesses like COVID-19.

“It’s not just about focusing on heart attack and stroke,” he said. “It has become a much bigger mission than that.”

This includes addressing the drivers of health disparities, including social determinants of health and structural racism. The American Heart Association has identified this as the only way to fully achieve equitable health and well-being for all.

“I see Lawyers Have Heart as being one of the biggest voices and driving forces behind building healthier lifestyles and creating equity in Boston,” said Lanouette. “Each year, it seems that the American Heart Association tackles a new goal to build a better, healthier community for everyone.”

Lanouette grew up in Raymond, N.H., and graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He lives in West Roxbury.

For more information or to register for the Lawyers Have Heart 5K, visit