A little something in your wallet can save lives

By Zachary Taylor, Montpelier

Zachary Taylor

As a student growing up, being educated about cigarettes and their health risks, most people came to think that my generation might be the first to end what has in the past become generations of nicotine-addicted smokers. However, the introduction of e-cigarettes completely changed the narrative.

In my high school and current college, more and more of my peers took part in trying it and sometimes became addicted to increased usage. I felt like I needed to do something to address the growing crisis, so I volunteered with the American Heart Association to help educate about the rate of youth vaping and other issues that lead to cardiovascular disease.

To help spread the word I helped to develop these wallet cards based on the AHA’s priority advocacy issues so volunteers like you can educate a wide variety of people, especially those in power or going into positions of power about the importance of heart-healthy policies.

These cards can make difference, by keeping important issues at the forefront and top of mind for policymakers. Most of all, you can make a difference.

Print out these cards and keep them with you. That way when you have a chance to talk to a decision-maker, you will have them right where you need them and can help educate them about important health issues.

Thanks for joining me in the effort of improving the lives of Vermonters.  Sign up today to be a You’re the Cure Advocate.