Meet the North Country BetterU Participants: Rose Busler


I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart for 34 years. We have two children and are empty nesters. We enjoy traveling. Some of the things I hope to achieve through this program include becoming healthier by learning to shop, cook and exercise smart!

I have tried many diets and exercise plans to stay in shape and have been successful but since I’ve reached menopause I have found it more difficult even doing the same routines that I have been doing for years. They are not working. Education is what I need how to shop smart-healthy and cook smart-healthy. There are so many  articles stating that you should do this or that I want to learn which one is right for me and where I am in my life.

I have a special dress that I want to wear to a wedding this summer and that is my focus. I just love this dress and color and I did wear it about 8 years ago but it has been in the back of my closet and I just look at it and say someday I’m going to wear this dress again. Well, that day is coming. I have moved it to the door on my closet over my mirror. I have to move it every day to look at myself. Just a little something to remind me of one of my goals.

I also want to learn to cook and eat healthy. We are busy people and are always on the go. Our “quick” meals are not the smartest.  If I can change one habit that will impact the rest of my life I will be a success story!

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