The heart wants what the heart wants! has searched high and low to find the hottest (and healthiest) eligible trainers in America to get your heart racing. Through Sunday, Oct. 18, Match will donate $1 to the American Heart Association to help fight heart disease for every unique profile view of the 11 hottest trainers on the site.

Lynne Hajjar, of Arlington, is one of 11 finalists in the contest. Hajjar works at Fitness Together in Arlington as a one-on-one and pack personal trainer. She is willing and honored to do all she can to spread awareness of heart disease and educate those in prevention of the disease.
The trainer with the most profile views through Oct. 18 will receive the ultimate fitness prize package including a $5,000 cash prize to help further his or her career in fitness, an opportunity to work out with top celebrity trainer, Jeanette Jenkins, and the chance to be a featured expert on AHA’s digital properties.
According to a survey from Match, a quarter of singles would sign up with a personal trainer who they think has sex appeal and more than half of singles would be willing to turn a sweaty strength training session into a steamy afternoon rendezvous.
View Hajjar’s profile here. Check out the full list of finalists here.