2018 Go Red Luncheon Set for March 13 – Pat Weigel and Bill Caron to be Honored

The 2018 Go Red Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, March 13th at the Holiday Inn By the Bay in Portland. This 9th annual American Heart Association (AHA) event aims to educate attendees about heart disease and stroke in women while raising research funds to help educate, diagnose, and treat these diseases.

Pat Weigel, Norway Savings Bank

This year’s Luncheon is being led by Robin Hodgskin, Senior Vice President with Morgan Stanley.  Hodgskin and her committee are planning an exciting day with inspirational speakers, educational workshops, health screenings, an amazing silent auction, and a heart-healthy lunch with a goal to raise $350,000. The 2018 Crystal Heart Awards will be presented to two honorees: Bill Caron, President of MaineHealth, and Pat Weigel, President & CEO of Norway Savings Bank.

Bill Caron, MaineHealth


“Cardiovascular diseases, which includes stroke, claim the life of a woman about every 80 seconds. As the leading killer of women — claiming the lives of one in three women — cardiovascular diseases force us to consider that a woman we know and love may be affected at any age. I got involved with the Go Red Luncheon after my colleague suffered from a heart attack when she was 32 years old and 24 weeks pregnant. We need to educate more women about their number one health threat” said Hodgskin.

MaineHeatlh will provide blood pressure reading and host a breakout session highlighting the recently updated blood pressure guidelines. Martin’s Point Health Care will also provide a breakout session. Macy’s – a national sponsor of Go Red For Women – will provide gift cards for all attendees and will be on site with store vendors offering free services. Additional vendor sponsors include: Hannaford, New England Rehabilitation Hospital, and Maine Medical Center.

The 2018 Executive Leadership Team includes: Samantha Commeau, Bank of America; Charlie Craig, The Dunham Group; Catherine Desrochers, HUB/Norton Insurance & Financial Services; Chris Emmons, Gorham Savings Bank; Katie Fullam Harris, MaineHealth; Lucie Hannigan, People’s United Bank; Gail Hatem, Hannaford Supermarkets; Kate Healy, Verrill Dana; Ed Kane, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care; Janice Latulippe, BerryDunn; Nicola Morris, WEX; Janet Ross, Norway Savings Bank; Kate Saucier, TD Bank; Lois Skillings, Mid Coast Hospital; Linda Varrell, Broadreach Public Relations; and Pat Weigel, Norway Savings Bank.

Spectrum Healthcare Partners is sponsoring the 2018 Go Red Casting Call to select the official Go Red spokeswomen for Maine. The women will be featured in a special video and photo display that will be unveiled at the event and shown throughout the year to help educate people about heart disease and stroke in women.

Major sponsors are: MaineHealth, the Signature Sponsor; Martin’s Point Health Care, a Breakout Session Sponsor; Norway Savings Bank is the AED Awareness Day Sponsor; Spectrum Healthcare Partners, the Casting Call Sponsor; and WEX, the Red Couch Tour Sponsor, Additional sponsors include: Bank of America; Direct Travel; Maine Heart Center; MEMIC; OceanView at Falmouth; Morgan Stanley Wealth Management; People’s United Bank; and University of New England.

The Go Red For Women campaign is sponsored nationally by Macy’s and CVS Health and locally by the statewide Maine Goes Red sponsor, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Media sponsors are The Forecaster, Channel 8 WMTW, Mainebiz, Maine Women Magazine, and WPOR FM.

The AHA is currently funding over $550,000 in cardiovascular research in Maine. Make sure you get your ticket now as this event has sold out for the last three years, or please make a donation to the AHA to help continue funding local research and education by visiting: mainegoredluncheon.ahaevents.org For additional questions or to find out how to become a sponsor, please contact Katie Rooks, Go Red Luncheon Director, at 207-289-2388 or Katie.Rooks@heart.org.

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