Lynne Versaci shared her thoughts as the first week of the BetterU came to a close. Way to go, Lynne!
As this first week comes to a close, I can breathe a little easier and I’m not as anxious when it comes to me thinking about my weight.
I’ve learned that with moving a little more, choosing healthy options and, oh yeah, getting by with a little help from your friends, that being healthy can be fun.
So instead of making excuses to not be active or not go to the gym, I’m going to remember “my why.” Why I started this in the first place and that will be the reason I can get up and move. So many people are less fortunate, maybe some can’t walk or can’t run or are too sick to be healthy. That means we have to be grateful for what we have and what we CAN do and do it with everything we got.
I know I can’t move a mountain all at once, but I can one pebble at a time, because what it really boils down to, is that slow and steady can win the race! I can’t wait to see what the next 11 weeks has in store. Go ladies, let’s rock this tenth year of BetterU and get back to being fabulous!