2019 Dutchess-Ulster BetterU participant Jennifer Gardiner has mastered meal prep and going to the gym as she gets started with the program!
That’s Sparkle ❇ Not Sweat 💦
I had a personal trainer appointment for the very first time ever! My trainer was DQ and he was great! Not only did he kick my butt and I was sore for a few days after (it was entertaining watching me use the stairs the next two days). He reminded me everyone at the gym started somewhere too! He dropped many words of encouragement and knowledge during our session. I walked away feeling not only out of breath (which I look forward to improving) but accomplished because I completed my first ever personal training session!! This is where I walked away with ‘sparkling not sweating!!!!’ 😉
During this week of the program we had a Nutrition Seminar lead by Roufia Payman DT, CDN; she was excellent! I would have listened to her talk to us about what to eat and not eat all day! I loved that she was real and knows that life happens and that sometimes you just want pizza or ice cream or both!
I have started to walk during my lunch break, go to the gym a few times a week and changed my food. The best thing I did was meal prep…. It took hours on Sunday to do but holy moly was it worth it!!!!!!!! I had snacks, lunch and dinner for the entire week! There was no anxiety of what I was going to eat because I planned the week on Sunday!! I also had been using “I need to be home after work to cook and clean not go to the gym.” This took my excuse away and I made it to the gym three times this week!
I had my first group training session (4:1) with trainer Brittany. She kicked our butts but working out with others made a bit easier and definitely more fun.
Making lifestyle changes is difficult; don’t get upset if you fall off the wagon occasionally, just make sure you get back on.
Meet Jennifer and all the BetterU women at the Go Red for Women Luncheon on Nov. 8. Click here for info: https://ahapoughkeepsie.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/20192020DutchessUlsterGoRedForWomen/tabid/1030035/Default.aspx