By ADP, Guest Blogger.
While working from home may be new to many, it can have added benefits, such as adding more time to our day that we would normally spend commuting to and from the office. Instead of using this extra time to watch TV or sleep in, take the time you would spend commuting to find more ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine.
Fifteen percent of adults are physically inactive and most of us feel as if there is not enough time in the day to balance it all. Sitting down for 7-8 hours a day may increase your risk of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Moving more can help improve your concentration, help you sleep better, and even find a new hobby you have a passion for. You need to make the conscious decision to stay healthy, find ways to “move more” and nourish your body to keep you happy and healthy.
Here are a few simple tips on how you can stay active while working remote:
- Plan a “virtual walking meeting” with a coworker. Having someone to chat with makes taking a walk more fun. Add it to your calendar to ensure you make the time.
- Get Up and Stretch. On conference calls all day? Take the time to stand up and stretch every few minutes or even run in place.
- Join an online workout class. There are so many options when it comes to home workouts. Many fitness influencers offer free online workouts you can do in your pajamas!
- Set a timer and get creative. Need a reminder to get up and move? Setting a timer helps alert you when you have been sedentary for too long. When the timer goes off, stop and do 10 push-ups!
- Get outside and do what you love. Whether it’s walking your dog, jogging, working on your jump shot or playing with your kids. Getting outside changes your environment, and more importantly, gives you fresh air! Just be mindful of social distancing practices to keep you and your family safe.
- Shut down technology. Not only should you stay active, it’s also important to keep your mind healthy. Remember to log off, disconnect and take some time for yourself every day.
However, you choose to “move more,” always remember to make it fun and make it count. Download our Move More Month toolkit, locally sponsored by ADP, and keep making physical activity a top priority!
01-LTR – 2020 National MOVE MORE Month
02-TofC – 2020 AHA Natl MM Month Toolkit
03-Action Steps – 2020 AHA Natl MM Month
04-AHA NMMDay Social Media Message Ideas
05-Infographic, Impact of CVD on Employers
06-HFG MMM Resource Guide 2020
07-MMM Flier 8.5×11 FIN 021720
08-MMM Weekly Challenges_3.30.20
09-HFG Adults Physical Activity Infograph
10-HFG Kids Physical Activity Infographic
11-Kids, 25 Ways to Get Moving at Home
12 10-Minute Workout Anywhere 4.1.20
13-At Home Circuit Workout infogr2020
15-Dress for Workout Success Infographic
18-Warm Up To Cool Weather Workouts.pdf
19-Keep It Cool, Warm Weather Workouts
20-Overview of Online SUPPORT Network
21-Overview, HealthyWorkFoodBevToolkit
22-Overview, CheckChangeControl BP Program
24-AHA New Jersey Volunteer Opps
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The American Heart Association’s blog is not intended to provide medical advice or treatment. Only your healthcare provider can provide that. The American Heart Association recommends that you consult your healthcare provider regarding your personal health matters. If you think you are having a heart attack, stroke or another emergency, please call 911 immediately.