An important fact we all need to understand is cardiovascular disease remains the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year claiming more women’s lives than all forms of cancer combined. That’s approximately one woman every minute!
The American Heart Association in New York City, Westchester and Long Island is proud to announce an expanded relationship with Northwell Health designed to address cardiovascular health and the unique issues facing women. The sponsorship will continue to raise awareness that heart disease is the No. 1 health threat for women, empower women to take action on their health, and continue to help remove the barriers women face in order to achieve good health. Why? Because losing even one woman to cardiovascular disease is one too many.
“Women, especially Black and Hispanic women, are disproportionally impacted by
heart disease and stroke, and research shows that heart attacks are on the rise in younger women. Yet, younger generations of women, Gen Z and Millennials, are less likely to be aware of their greatest health threat or know that 80 percent of heart disease is preventable.” said Stacey E. Rosen, M.D., senior vice president of women’s health at the Katz Institute for Women’s Health and member of the American Heart Association Eastern States Board of Directors. “Knowledge is power. That’s why it’s important that Northwell Health and the American Heart Association collaborate to elevate the risk of heart disease and ignite women to take charge of their heart health.”
Since 2004, the AHA’s signature women’s initiative, Go Red for Women, has increased women’s heart health awareness and served as a catalyst for change to improve the lives of women globally.
“The Go Red for Women movement is vital to our work to save and improve women’s lives,” said Nicole Aiello Sapio, executive vice president of the American Heart Association’s Eastern States Region. “We are so grateful for our relationship with Northwell Health and with their support we’ll be able to better harnesses the energy, passion and power women have to wipe out heart disease.”
Go Red for Women is a catalyst for women to stand together and take charge of their own health as well as improve the lives of other women (and men). We are fighting for better representation in medical research. We are advocating for equitable access to care and treatments. We are working to spread lifesaving information so we can overcome the fact that cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of women.
“Being closely aligned with the American Heart Association in the commitment to meeting the needs of women now, at every age and every stage of life, as their trusted, relevant source for credible, equitable health solutions is critical,” said Michael J. Dowling, president and chief executive officer of Northwell Health. “As we head into this new agreement, both organizations want to raise health for women by providing education, earlier diagnosis, treatment and prevention so women’s lives can be saved.”
For any woman who has felt slightly off-center during the pandemic, now is the time to reclaim their routine and the things that matter most: health, family, friends, and the rhythm of their life! While they take care of the hearts of those around them, we’re here to take care of theirs.
“Women experience unique stages through their lives which affect both overall health
and cardiovascular health,” said Dr. Rosen. Unique risk factors specific to women are:
• Pregnancy –
• Menopause –
The relationship between the American Heart Association and Northwell Health will inspire all women with information they need to know:
• Awareness is critical.
• Know your numbers, (total cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and body mass index)
• Know your family history
• Take charge of your health