Free COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccines available at upcoming community event at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Middletown

 Community Wellness Day event on May 23rd is free for all to attend

With support from the American Heart Association and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, community organizations are offering free COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccines at a Middletown health and wellness event. The Community Wellness Day will take place on Tuesday, May 23rd at the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church from 3 – 7pm.

The event is free to community and offers health screenings including an opportunity to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and booster for anyone 12 years and older. The vaccine is free and without an appointment. Other activities include blood pressure screenings, music, community resources, CPR demonstrations, healthy food samples and more.

COVID-19 immunity doesn’t last forever; the updated vaccine is necessary to restore protection. The new bivalent booster helps prevent serious illness from the Omicron variants and the original COVID-19 strain. COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death.

Eligible individuals include anyone 12 and older who received their last COVID-19 booster prior to September 2022 and prior to October for young children. The bivalent vaccine should be a priority for anyone with a chronic health condition, who is over the age of 50 or anyone who is pregnant.

The event is in coordination with the American Heart Association, Shiloh Baptist Missionary Baptist Church, Middlesex Health, and the Middletown Department of Public Health.

For more information on the event, call 860-346-8295. For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine or to find other locations near you, go to

Additional Covid Vaccine Info

Vaccine locations can also be found at Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 is encouraged to call to their doctor to ask if they are eligible to get Paxlovid. Paxlovid is an anti-viral medication that can stop the virus from multiplying in the body so patients will have fewer symptoms for a shorter time. However, Paxlovid is most effective in the first few days. The treatment is widely available but requires a doctor’s prescription.