Winter Weather Puts a Strain On Your Heart – Be Heart-Smart This Winter

Red_Shovel-25fd4e7a-c210-4e03-9adb-e831280d1ab1-1619556539_pWith our first major storm of the season expected this weekend, remember winter storm conditions and cold temps can put an extra strain on your heart. Heavy exertion — such as shoveling snow, clearing debris or pushing a car – can increase the risk of a heart attack.

To stay safe and healthy this winter, remember these tips:
• Stay warm, dress warm and SLOW DOWN when working outdoors.
• Shovel small loads and rest often to avoid over exertion.
• If you feel chest pain — STOP and seek help immediately.

And let’s not forget to help our elderly or ill neighbors who are at higher risk of heart attack. Please, be heart-smart this winter!

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