Harmony Hebert of Norway Savings Bank Receives the 2019 Lifestyle Award

Harmony Hebert was awarded the American Heart Association’s Lifestyle Award, sponsored by Boston Scientific, at the Central Maine Heart Walk in Lewiston on April 28th.  Harmony shares her journey over the past year and what she hopes for the future in her own words.


My name is Harmony Hebert and I am capable! These three words have become my personal affirmation over the last year. This past year I’ve lost 40 pounds, lowered my cholesterol levels, and ran my first 5k. But most importantly this past year, I’ve started living a fuller life and became the person I’ve always wanted to be for myself, my children, my husband, my family, friends, and co-workers.


After years of struggling with my own health issues, life sent me, my friend Kelley. Kelley was pivotal for me becoming the woman I am today. Through her encouragement and example I began working out and starting eating low carb along with being a vegetarian. This lifestyle change helped me achieve the goals and accomplishments I shared with you today.


Though Kelley played a pivotal role in my health journey, there are so many others who helped me stay accountable and motivated to continue this journey. When Kelley left I started to stumble, and before I knew it my friend Susan stepped up to start working out with me and, helped motivate me to continue to committing myself to my goals. This brought Susan and I closer together and I opened my eyes to gaining both a healthier physical and social life. Thank you Susan, I am so grateful for your friendship.


In addition to Kelley’s support I could have never been successful without the support of my incredible husband, amazing daughters, and my health and wellness coach Nick. You all continue to be my motivation to be the best mother, wife, and person I can be. I would never be the person I am today without all of you.


My fitness journey began initially to prepare myself for more children, to feel better, and to be a role model of health and positive living to my daughters. This journey was never easy. I have to hold myself accountable for every food and activity choice that I make each and every day.

Late last year I developed a hernia and had to change my workouts to accommodate my injury. I don’t know about any of you, but giving up sugar was so hard. I was angry, almost insane, and I’ve never experienced food envy in my life, until I was angry at people for eating certain things in front of me. But when I was overwhelmed by a distant goal, I would repeat the following…. “I have it in me right now to get me, to where I want to be later.” Still working toward goals, but close enough to be able to say to you all… that YOU ARE CAPABLE!


It will be hard. But for every one negative thought, gather three positive thoughts. Find support and accountability. This makes all the difference, and most importantly, DON’T GIVE UP. Find what motivates you, and know that LIFE is worth it!


I could never be where I am today without my husband, my children, my family, my friends, co-workers and my health couch, Nick. Thank you all for continuing this journey with me.


Please if you take anything from this, please take this… I am capable! You are capable! Because we are capable!



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