The American Heart Challenge, Dance is an opportunity for students to show the world that they are the generation with heart. It is a nationwide movement of students raising vital funds and awareness for the American Heart Association through a fun dance party. The program is designed to challenge students with leadership roles that raises funds to keep hearts beating as well as provide educational resources and scholarship opportunities. Dance is proven to improve your cardiovascular health, produce higher self-esteem, and give a more positive outlook on life.
Schools nationwide accepted the challenge and learned steps to a new routine as they danced their way to a healthier heart, joining the movement to fight heart disease and stroke. Team leaders were chosen to form the school’s “dance committee” to help organize and motivate students to participate and live a healthy lifestyle. In addition, student leaders are responsible for setting up goals, recruiting students, and organizing and promoting their event. Each team recorded their unique dance routine for submission to win a master led celebrity dance class. Kearny High School was one of three winners chosen nationwide, creating a routine that includes the entire student body. The video, created by a student filmmaker, can be seen here.
Kearny High School will hold a one-day event during American Heart Month in February, to share their dance routine while helping to raise funds to benefit the American Heart Association.
The American Heart Challenge, Dance is a chance to show you have heart by helping others, learn tons of healthy habits, and have a whole lot of fun. To learn more about the program and other ways to get your school involved, visit