Move More Together: Maine Sports Medicine Physician Talks About Benefits of Physical Activity

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Working and spending more time at home during the pandemic means many people are moving less.

However, there are easy ways to get up and get moving.

The American Heart Association is putting out the call to people to move more because being sedentary can be as bad for your health as smoking.

It can increase the risk of heart disease, obesity, blood pressure and depression or anxiety.

“Exercise is one of the best ways to combat and limit those,” said Dr. Christopher Regnier, of Spectrum Orthopedics.

Regnier said getting up and moving is not just one big workout here and there. He said people need to move throughout their day.

“For instance, I park at the farthest end of the parking lot and make myself walk. You know, take the stairs,” Regnier said.

People who work at their desks most of the day should get up every 30 minutes or so. The American Heart Association has teamed up with Orange Theory to produce free, short videos showing workouts that engage your whole body in five minutes.

“Ways to get that, that aren’t necessarily going to feel like exercise, like taking your dog for a walk or playing hide and seek with the kids,” Regnier said.

He said any movement is better than no movement. You can check out the American Heart Association’s Move More Together website for ways to be active.