CPR, especially if performed immediately, could double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival[1]. However, 70% of respondents in a recent consumer survey said they were not confident they would respond with CPR in a cardiac emergency.
That is why the American Heart Association, the worldwide leader in resuscitation science and education, along with Capital Region Heart Ball sponsor, Martin Communications, recently presented a CPR & First Aid Anywhere Training Kit to Cedar Cliff High School in the West Shore School District. The CPR & First Aid Anywhere Training Kits contain everything needed to facilitate CPR, AED and first aid training for hundreds of learners including video-based instruction, inflatable practice manikins and an AED training simulator.
“As supporters of the Capital Region Heart Ball, it was important for our support to extend beyond the ballroom and into the community,” said Barb Martin, president of Martin Communications. “Providing these CPR training resources will ensure that Cedar Cliff High School can train the next generation of lifesavers for years to come.”
The goal of the American Heart Association’s Nation of Lifesavers initiative is to turn bystanders into lifesavers, so that in the time of cardiac emergency anyone, anywhere is prepared and empowered to become a vital link in the chain of survival and provide CPR. Every year in the United States, there are more than 23,000 youth who experience a cardiac emergency outside of a hospital and almost 40 percent of those are sports-related.
“The American Heart Association has set a goal of doubling the survival of cardiac arrest by 2030,” said Blake Milbrand, development director for the American Heart Association. “We know that in order to save more lives from the 350,000 cardiac arrests that occur outside of the hospital every year, we must increase the number of people who respond to cardiac arrest by calling 911, delivering high-quality CPR and getting and using an AED as soon as it is available. Training local students helps us build a nation of lifesavers that will be ready to respond and save more lives.”
Quick, simple and easy-to-learn, Hands-Only CPR has been shown to be as effective in the first few minutes as conventional CPR for cardiac arrest at home, at work or in public[2].
For more information about CPR training, visit cpr.heart.org.

[1] https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIR.0000000000001052?utm_campaign=2023stat-update&utm_source=heart&utm_medium=link&utm_content=statshome
[2] https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIR.0000000000001052?utm_campaign=2023stat-update&utm_source=heart&utm_medium=link&utm_content=statshome