The American Heart Association (AHA) wants you to GO RED on Friday, February 5th for National Wear Red Day to help shine a light on the number one killer of men and women—heart disease. Companies, community organizations and residents are invited to get creative to make landmarks, main streets, buildings and homes “Go Red” to kick off February’s American Heart Month.

“This is such a simple way to make a difference in our community. Every red heart, red ribbon or red dress in a store window reminds women, and all of us, how important our hearts are. Heart healthy should be our main priority in February and all year long to prevent our number one killer,” said Dr. Scott Schubach, President of the Long Island American Heart Association Board of Directors and Chairman of the Department of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery at Winthrop-University Hospital.

In addition to landmarks going red, thousands of employees will participate in National Wear Red Day by donating $5 to the Go Red For Women campaign. In turn, they will receive a red dress pin or wristband, and lifesaving heart health education. Some organizations will offer heart healthy lunch and learn programs, organize healthy walks, or offer healthier foods in vending machines or cafeterias. To sign up, visit www.wearredday.org or call the AHA at 516-962-0794.

The AHA’s Go Red For Women movement focuses on women’s heart health awareness in February because far too many women are still unaware of the facts that heart disease is their number one killer–killing more women than all forms of cancer combined; or that the symptoms of heart attack can be different in women vs. men, causing women to delay seeking treatment; or that ninety percent of women have one or more risk factors for heart disease or stroke. This lack of awareness means that more women than men are dying from heart disease and stroke. Go Red For Women’s goal is to save women’s lives.

The good news is that more than 80% of heart disease events in women can be prevented by making simple lifestyle changes like eating healthier, quitting smoking and exercising 30 minutes daily. The AHA also encourages women to get their “well-woman visit” at their doctor’s office to help detect the early signs of heart disease. Women can get lifesaving information at www.goredforwomen.org and join in the healthy lifestyle conversation at https://www.facebook.com/groups/AHAMomsUnite/



Red Dress Brooch


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