The American Heart Association wants to help everyone live longer, healthier lives so they can enjoy all of life’s precious moments. And we know that starts with taking care of your health. American Heart Month, a federally designated event, is a great way to remind Americans to focus on their hearts and encourage them to get their families, friends and communities involved. Share our suggested social media messages below to help raise awareness of heart health. Simply right click to download an image and copy the text content.
FACEBOOK: February is American Heart Month. Help spread the word about our nation’s leading health threat and learn how you can protect your health. Visit for more information. #HeartMonth #lifeiswhyNY
TWITTER: It’s American Heart Month. Help spread the word about our leading health threat. #lifeiswhyNY#HeartMonth |
FACEBOOK: This February, show some love for your heart! Each of us can make small changes in seven key areas that add up to a big difference in our heart health. Take small steps toward a healthier life by getting started today. #lifeiswhyNY #HeartMonth
TWITTER: This February, show your own heart some love! 7 simple steps for a healthier you. #lifeiswhyNY #HeartMonth |
FACEBOOK: The factsare clear. Heart disease threatens the lives of our family, friends and colleagues. This February, let’s unite to help change these statistics. Let’s fight back against our No. 1 killer. #lifeiswhyNY #HeartMonth
TWITTER: The facts are clear. It’s time to make heart health a priority! #lifeiswhyNY #HeartMonth |
In a heart attack, every second matters. By calling 9-1-1 instead of driving to the hospital, you can get crucial medical care sooner and significantly increase your chance of survival. #lifeiswhyNY #HeartMonthTWITTER:
Know the signs of a heart attack and call 9-1-1 immediately. #lifeiswhyNY #HeartMonth |