New York Gov. Cuomo hit the nail on the head when he said during today’s State of the State that health care isn’t just for the rich.
“The American Heart Association is committed to making sure everyone receives quality health care, and we applaud Gov. Cuomo for stating that New York will continue to provide great health care,” said Caitlin O’Brien, New York state government relations director for the American Heart Association. “In particular, we hope that he will raise the age to purchase tobacco products to 21, so we can protect our youth from becoming addicted to the deadly habit of smoking.”
The American Heart Association was also glad to see so many state parks – new and existing – featured in the State of the State.
“Trails and parks are a great place for people to get exercise,” O’Brien said. “We just published a study saying how dangerous sitting is for health. Having easy access to attractive recreation sites is a great incentive for people to get moving, helping them fight heart disease.”
“Every year, budget is a big concern,” O’Brien said. “But we can’t afford to skimp on health care. Heart disease and stroke remain the No. 1 and No. 5 killers in New York, and investing in prevention programs can save money. We hope Gov. Cuomo and the state Legislature will continue to fund tobacco control and obesity prevention programs. We also look forward to working with them to help all New Yorker be able to purchase healthy food close to where they live.”