Finding the Right Data to Help Address Health Disparities and Issues of Equity in Community

Northeast Health Equity Consortium Hosts First Webinar in a Series

New York, June 4, 2019 — Join leaders in health equity, community health, advocacy, education and government in participating in the American Heart Association’s Northeast Health Equity Consortium’s (NHEC) webinar series. Kicking off on June 13, 2019, the series, The Equity Braid: Equity, Data & Capacity Building, will examine how to lead with an equity framework using data to inform both internal and external capacity building efforts. All webinars will include time for questions and answers.

The first webinar, Finding the Right Data to Help Address Health Disparities and Issues of Equity in Community, is scheduled for June 13, 2019 from 11 am – Noon, EST.  Participation is free, but registration is limited to 200 participants. People can register for the first webinar at here.

Jamie Kleinsorge, MS, Senior Project Coordinator at the Center for Applied Research and Engagement Systems (CARES) at the University of Missouri, will introduce participants to the CARES Engagement Network suite of tools and data. The presentation will include a live demonstration of the CARES mapping and reporting tools with a specific focus on using the tools to address issues related to health and health equity.

Participants will gain a better understanding of data sources and availability; learn how to use basic tools to visualize disparities and equity in community; and, discover additional resources.

Kleinsgorge has trained thousands of organizations, community-level professionals, government agencies and healthcare systems on the use and application of data and GIS for community assessment, programming and evaluation. Kleinsgorge also has an MS in Rural Sociology, with an emphasis in community development from the University of Missouri and experience in community and economic development, non-profit management, public health and data analysis and GIS.

The NHEC’s mission is to engage organizations and promote change in policy, practices and programs and communicates these changes that improve cardiovascular and stroke-related health outcomes in communities disproportionately impacted by these diseases.

The Consortium was established by the American Heart Association with the generous support of the Aetna Foundation. The Consortium is currently chaired by Chien-Chi Huang, Founder & Executive Director, Asian Women for Health, Boston, MA; and Lenny Lopez, MD, Associate Professor & Chief of Hospital, UCSF School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA; and, Marcus M. McKinney, D.Min., LPC, President, Reimagining Healthcare, Hartford, CT.

For more information on the Northeast Health Equity Consortium visit .

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