The American Heart Association recently joined Prince George’s Community College for

Prince George’s Community College Foundation’s Food Distribution Day along with Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington. The AHA’s Greater Washington Region board chair, Barbara Humpton of Siemens USA and Dr. Falecia D. Williams, president of Prince George’s Community College also announced the newly formed official partnership between the Association and the College.
The Culinary Arts Center at Prince George’s Community College designated the Community Kitchen as an American Heart Association Heart Health Hub. As a Hearth Health Hub, Prince George’s Community College will incorporate the American Heart Association approved curriculum into the College’s curriculum in cooking classes focused on building healthier lives through education, skills training, and policy work related to improved nutrition. The classes will show people how to prepare healthy and nutritious meals in their homes and will feature heart healthy tips. The ultimate goal will be to increase awareness on healthy food choices to forge a healthier and more equitable food environment and reduce the food insecurity within Prince George’s County.
Economic challenges resulting from the coronavirus pandemic have exacerbated food disparities in the county, creating hardship for many area residents, including those who have underlying health conditions. During the event produce, meat, and healthy ready-to-eat meals were distributed to 1000 families alongside community partner to the American Heart Association, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Washington.
Maryland is the wealthiest state in the country, but there are many residents who are food insecure – 17 percent of those live in Prince George’s County. Food insecurity is a serious issue in the county. In fact, one in seven people in the county is food insecure. The Heart Healthy Hub and distribution opportunities are part of a larger strategy that the American Heart Association, the College, the community and others are collaborating on that focus on the opportunities for basic needs to be met for all residents.
We will have exciting updates around the Heart Health Hub soon. If you’re interested in learning more, please email