Will you share your #RUNLHH? Run and walk with us from wherever you are!

Thousands of people across America are participating in a month of physical activity, culminating in a virtual running and walking event on June 12-14. The 30-day challenge is encouraging people to stay active and raising crucial funds for the American Heart Association.
Keeping active is central to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The American Heart Association has embraced the new normal of social distancing, and created a month of challenges that can be undertaken whilst abiding by the current restrictions, designed to help people stay active during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The final challenge will be a virtual running and walking event, where participants will run the 10K or 5K or join a fun walk, completing their route individually and sharing their time on a virtual leader board. Participants are encouraged to share their experience on social media by using the hashtag #RUNLHH and follow along on social media.
The run and the 30-day challenge are all part of AHA’s annual Lawyers Have Heart event. Lawyers Have Heart began in 1991 as a running and walking event for the legal community, and has evolved into a staple on DC’s running calendar attracting runners and walkers of all levels of experience and from all walks of life.
Event Co-Chair, John Harrity of Harrity and Harrity LLP said, “This event has always been about encouraging heart-healthy lifestyles and raising vital funds for education and research. Now faced with new challenges, here’s a great way to keep active for a month, and for runners and walkers of all ages and abilities to “virtually” come together in support of the American Heart Association. By going virtual, we look forward to welcoming teams and families from around the world!”
The 30-day challenge has a new challenge each day to keep people active, and keep them motivated to live healthier lives whilst living under stay at home orders. Whether it’s walking 10,000 steps, doing a 30 second plank or preparing a new healthy recipe for dinner, there are new ideas each day leading up to the virtual run. In addition, there are tips to help raise money for AHA’s life-saving research and education programs.
Harrity adds, “As a survivor myself, the AHA’s mission is more important now than ever. Millions of people are counting on them for science-based information, health resources, community programs and patient support. We need to rally together to raise money for this critical cause.”
Since 1991, the event has raised over $15 million, with this year’s event aiming to raise $1.4 million. Co-Chairs of the event are Harrity & Harrity LLP’s Managing Partner, John Harrity, and Controller, Sandra Maxey.
To register for the 30-day challenge, donate, and find out more information, check out the event’s website for all the details www.lawyershaveheartdc.org.
Follow along through the Facebook page www.facebook.com/lawyershaveheart10k, on Twitter at www.twitter.com/LHH10K and on Instagram at www.instagram.com/heartofgwr. Share your experience using #RUNLHH and #MoveMore!