The Dangers of Vaping

Most people know that smoking increases risk for lung cancer and for developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a serious, long-term condition affecting the lungs that also includes chronic bronchitis … Read more

Ways to Treat Shingles

Did you know that one out of three people in the U.S. will develop the shingles virus in their lifetime? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports there’s an estimated one … Read more

Walgreens supports heart and brain health through the American Heart Association’s Life Is Why campaign

Shoppers can support the life-saving work of the American Heart Association Walgreens is once again proud to support the American Heart Association, the world’s leading nonprofit organization focused on heart … Read more

Guest Blog Post: Bayhealth Interventional Cardiologist Roberto Scaffidi shares “Your health is too precious to take risks, learn the signs of a heart attack and stroke”

Your health is too precious to take risks–particularly when you’re having a medical emergency. Warning signs of a heart attack or stroke should never be ignored. Getting immediate care by … Read more

Wegmans and the American Heart Association teaming up to save lives through CPR

With nearly 3 out of 4 cardiac arrests outside of the hospital occurring in homes, knowing how to perform CPR is critically important[1]. CPR, especially if performed immediately, could double … Read more

American Heart Association Announces Chair for 2023 Delaware Heart Ball

Allison Kerwin, Senior Vice President of Delaware Commercial Real Estate for M&T Bank, will serve in leadership role. The American Heart Association, the world’s leading nonprofit organization focused on ensuring … Read more

1 Million Dollar Transformational Gift Creates Big Change in Delaware

The American Heart Association is excited and humbled to announce, Thom Harvey, Chairman & CEO of Harvey Hanna & Associates (HHA) and his wife Robin have donated 1 million dollars … Read more

Don’t Delay: Risks of Waiting to Have Your Heart Checked 

When it comes to your heart, you can never be too careful. Preventing heart conditions, such as cardiac arrest or heart disease, can begin today. Sometimes all it takes to … Read more

Damar Hamlin’s Inspiring Recovery: CPR Saves Lives 

While playing in the Buffalo Bills – Cincinnati Bengals game on Monday Night Football on January 2, Bills player Damar Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest after a hit and was administered CPR on the field before being transferred to an area hospital.

Hamlin reportedly experienced a cardiac arrest – when the heart stops abruptly with little or no warning. Early recognition of cardiac arrest improves the person’s chance of survival and is key to starting the correct care of CPR and the appropriate use of defibrillation to restart the heart. The on-site medical team evaluated the situation and appeared to quickly remove his safety pads, begin CPR and apply the automated external defibrillator (AED).  

CPR can help keep the heart pumping and blood flowing to vital organs until an electrical shock from a defibrillator is available to restore the heart to a normal heart rhythm. Then the patient can be safely moved for further medical treatment, supportive care, testing to determine what the cause of the arrest may have been and recovery, including both physical and mental health resources for the person and their family.

Possible causes

Cardiac arrest can have several causes. Since Hamlin collapsed immediately following a tackle on the play, one potential cause could be commotio cordis. Commotio cordis is a rare phenomenon from a sudden blunt impact to the chest causing sudden death in the absence of apparent cardiac damage. The blow to the chest at precisely the wrong time in the cardiac cycle causes an electrical abnormality in the heart resulting in  an irregular heart rhythm that cannot pump blood to the body.  Immediate CPR and a shock to reset the rhythm can help the heartbeat return to normal function.

Another cause of cardiac arrest that additional tests are likely to attempt to detect or rule out is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) or a thickened heart muscle – a more common cause of sudden cardiac death in young people and athletes specifically. The thickened heart can be due to a genetic condition or can be caused by athletic conditioning that thickens the muscles of the heart and can make it more susceptible to an irregular heart rhythm like ventricular fibrillation/tachycardia.

“This was traumatic for everyone, especially Hamlin’s family and teammates but also for so many others involved and witnessing the event. More than 70% of cardiac arrests that do not happen in the hospital, occur in a home where access to medical professionals and an AED is not as readily available,” said Mariell Jessup, M.D., FAHA, chief science and medical officer of the American Heart Association. “Recognizing a cardiac arrest, calling 911 immediately, performing CPR and using an AED as soon as it is available are critical for survival.

Statistically speaking, it is likely that the person will need to be helped by a family member or a friend to survive.”

Having community members trained in CPR and AEDs in public spaces can increase the chances of survival. The rate of bystander CPR in North America is estimated at only 39-44%, and only about 1 in 10 people survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Improving the rate of bystander CPR is critical to increasing survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA).

The skill to perform CPR and use a defibrillator are the foundational components of preparing laypeople to respond to cardiac arrest. People also need to feel emotionally prepared to respond and be able to cope with the aftermath of performing CPR.

Resources for learning CPR

Each year in the United States, an estimated 350,000 people experience sudden cardiac arrest in the community. Anyone who witnesses a cardiac arrest in the community (i.e., not in a hospital) can perform CPR. Roughly 70% of cardiac arrests that do not happen in the hospital, occur in homes and private residences, therefore, a friend or family member is mostly likely to be the person who needs to take action. CPR, especially if performed immediately, can double, or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival.

For adults and adolescent children, Hands-Only CPR is an easy-to-learn skill that requires only two steps: call emergency services and push hard and fast in the center of the chest at a rate of 100-120 beats per minute.

For more information, visit


Eating for Heart Health

There are a lot of things we can do to improve our health. Eating a heart healthy diet is one of them. Bayhealth Primary Care Physician, Preeti Gupta, MD, explains, “Maintaining a healthy way of eating can help prevent many ailments, including heart health issues. And I always say, prevention is better than a cure.”

One of the best ways to eat for heart health is with a plant-based diet. It’s a healthy way of eating that won’t have you sacrificing flavor. Better yet, countless studies suggest that eating less meat decreases the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Here are Dr. Gupta’s suggestions to transitioning to a plant-based way of eating.

Plant-based eating
There are three main types of plant-based eating. The strictest is vegan, which eliminates all animal products such as meat, eggs and milk. Next, is vegetarian, which eliminates meat but still allows eggs and dairy products. Both are very heart healthy ways of eating but if they are too much of a leap for you, perhaps you could try the third type of plant-based eating called, “plant-forward” eating.

The plant-forward lifestyle
Eating a plant-forward diet means that you eat vegetables and fruit more often and as your main dish. You can still enjoy meat, eggs and dairy as side items. When you do choose meat, try to stick with lean, skinless poultry and fish, which are excellent sources of protein. Other meats are more likely to be high in cholesterol and saturated fat, which can contribute to poor heart health. You should also avoid processed meats such as deli meats and bacon, which are typically high in sodium.

Load up on veggies
In plant-forward eating, vegetables are the main portion of each meal. Did you know that most vegetables contain protein? Broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, corn, potatoes and peppers are some that provide needed protein. Beans are another source that can add flavor and texture to your meals. Also, have healthy fruit servings throughout the day which will help satisfy the sweet cravings.

Whichever plant-based eating plan you try, remember to choose foods lower in sodium and avoid added sugars, saturated fats, and especially hydrogenated oils, which contain trans-fat. Watch portion sizes and use nonstick cooking sprays rather than added fats when cooking. Don’t forget healthy whole grains such as whole wheat bread and brown rice.

Eliminating certain foods may be easier than you think. Once you begin a plant-based diet, your body will start reaping the benefits almost immediately – and you’ll feel better in general. “Don’t put off living your healthiest life by waiting until Monday to start your nutrition plan,” said Dr. Gupta. “You can do this. Just start now.”


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Stay Active this Winter by Visiting DE State Parks

Some of us may feel the urge to stay inside when the weather starts getting cold, but it is actually a great time to get out and enjoy one of … Read more

Walgreens supports heart and brain health through the American Heart Association’s Life Is Why campaign

Shoppers can support the life-saving work of the American Heart Association Walgreens is proud to support the American Heart Association, the world’s leading nonprofit organization focused on heart and brain … Read more

Is Your Heart Health a Family Matter?

Our risk of heart disease is something many of us should know—as heart disease is the top cause of death in the U.S. And, as Bayhealth Cardiologist Mussaber Ahmad, DO, explains, personal risk factors aren’t the only ones to consider.

“Family history is also important to determine overall risk, as there is a genetic component associated with coronary artery disease,” said Dr. Ahmad, who became a doctor because both of his grandfathers passed away from coronary artery disease (CAD) – the most common type of heart disease.

To help figure out if genetics or a family history play a role in your overall risk of heart disease, Dr. Ahmad said you can start with the following key factors.

  • A first-degree relative (biological parent or sibling) who has/had heart disease
  • Any relative(s) who has/had any of the following:
    • Angina
    • Heart attack (myocardial infarction)
    • Heart failure
    • High cholesterol
    • Peripheral artery disease (PAD)
    • Stroke
    • Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
    • Thoracic or abdominal aortic aneurysm

Beyond this list, Dr. Ahmad said there are other factors that need to be taken into account. They include the age and gender of any first-degree relatives with heart disease and your family’s ethnicity/race.

“If a male first-degree relative has CAD before the age of 55 or a female first-degree relative has CAD before the age of 65, this is considered premature CAD, which puts you at higher risk,” explained Dr. Ahmad. “Another important factor is belonging to a high-risk race or ethnicity such as South Asians. By some estimates, South Asians account for up to 60 percent of the world’s heart disease population, despite making up only 25 percent of the world’s general population. Also, compared to the general population, South Asians have up to a four times greater risk of developing heart disease.”

“A history of pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia or a history of menopause before age 40 are other risk factors women need to consider,” he added.

Putting together your family history will take some time and effort. Dr. Ahmad suggests you start by finding out if your parents, brother(s), and/or sister(s) have or had any of the medical conditions mentioned above or other risk factors.

Once you have your family history compiled be sure to share it with your doctor. “As physicians, we use family history and your personal risk factors to determine 10-year and lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease, and then recommend the appropriate therapy based on your risk. Examples of therapies we may prescribe include statins and aspirin,” said Dr. Ahmad.

While family history plays a role, Dr. Ahmad said your personal risk factors for heart disease are most important. This includes ones such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, obesity, and age. When it comes to age, your risk of heart disease goes up with each decade of life. That’s why Dr. Ahmad also said screening with blood tests and identifying additional risk factors starting at age 20 is a good idea.

For other health tips, visit Bayhealth’s Community Health and Wellness blog

Delaware AHA Aims to Control State’s High Blood Pressure Rates

34.6% of Delawareans have hypertension (or high blood pressure), which is the leading cause of stroke. The state of Delaware has the 4th largest rate of mortality from stroke in the entire US. The American Heart Association has gathered a group of advocates, hospital and private practice representatives, like-minded nonprofit organizations, physicians, and nurses to form the Delaware Hypertension Control Network. The group’s priority is to achieve more than 70% or greater hypertension control across Delaware by 2024.

As part of the Delaware Hypertension Control Network, the American Heart Association has partnered with Delaware Libraries to provide each public library with several Omron Blood Pressure Monitors. This program allows the public to “check out” free blood pressure cuffs for up to 3 weeks for self monitoring purposes.  The monitors are easy to operate and read and include:

  • Monitor
  • Cuff
  • User manual
  • Blood pressure pamphlet
  • Carrying case
  • Batteries

The goal of this program is to remove all barriers to accessable self-monitoring equipment so that members of the community can take the first step towards monitoring and controlling their own blood pressure.  To find out where to pick up your monitoring kit, visit

Pittsburgh Pastor Receives Top Grant at the First EmPOWERED to Serve Business Accelerator™ Faith-Based

The American Heart Association, the world’s leading nonprofit organization focused on heart and brain health for all, announced the top awardees of its first-ever EmPOWERED to Serve Business Accelerator™ Faith-Based hosted … Read more

Penn Medicine-Led Research Team Awarded $2.9 Million to Study Heart Disease and Cancer in Black and Hispanic Communities

Grant will fund projects aimed at reducing racial disparities in breast and prostate cancer patients with a higher risk for cardiovascular disease July 19, 2021 Bonnie Ky, MD, MSCE PHILADELPHIA— The … Read more

Five Faith-Based Organizations Named as Finalists in the American Heart Association’s First EmPOWERED to Serve Business Accelerator™ Faith-Based

Over $105,000 in Grants Will be Awarded to Local Community Leaders Faith-based organizations and places of worship have played an important role during the COVID-19 crisis in our country. These … Read more

EmPOWERED to Serve Business Accelerator™ Faith-Based Workshop Highlights Powerful Partnerships, Kicks-Off Grant Application Period

Webinar panelists four-pane
Webinar panelists share wisdom around community impact.

The power of partnerships built on trust, dignity and respect was a key theme during March 17th’s EmPOWERED to Serve Business Accelerator™ Faith-Based Workshop Zoom webinar, hosted by the American Heart Association (AHA), Eastern States region.

“When you see value in people, it affirms that value that is in you,” said Dr. Abraham Shanklin, Jr. Founder/Executive Director of the Center for Transformation in Maryland, an AHA collaborator.

During the webinar, Shanklin and ENON Tabernacle Baptist Church Rev. Leroy Miles, Jr. of Philadelphia, provided tips based on their own experiences in bolstering scalable community impact.

“It’s about those relationships that give you access,” said Miles. “Don’t be afraid to try, don’t be afraid to ask.”

Shanklin speaking
Bishop Shanklin

Shanklin and Miles offered wisdom gleaned from their own community leadership experiences to inspire webinar participants as AHA, Eastern States region launched the application cycle opening for it’s EmPOWERED to Serve Faith-Based Accelerator. The Faith-Based Accelerator is a grant-funding initiative for faith institutions and leaders to continue and scale their business models aimed at addressing social determinants of health in their communities. AHA aligns with faith-based communities to improve health and empower sustainable outcomes. Applications for a total of $105K in grant funding to communities of faith in select states will be accepted through April 30, 2021. Learn more or apply here.

Miles headsot
Reverend Miles

Shanklin and Miles were joined by AHA’s Vice President, Health Equity and National Partnerships Pamela Garmon-Johnson, who emphasized how important it is to deploy resources “connecting the dots so that we can have the greatest impact on our communities.”

“We have been charged with a purpose in order to be the voice for the voiceless….when we put all of our resources together that is when we can truly, truly put together the greatest difference,” said Garmon-Johnson.

Both Miles and Shanklin have successfully bolstered efforts to positively impact the social determinants of health in their own communities — factors that influence where and how people live, learn, work and play and provide context to a person’s life. Social determinants can play just as big of a role in affecting health as medications and physical lifestyle changes. Their work has included focusing on recidivism, family stability, food security, and health knowledge.

“We’ve tried to be a model and help you replicate [successful programs] at your spot,” said Miles, who collaborated to move ENON’s annual “Know Your Numbers” health-screening day, aimed at reaching 1,000 Philadelphia men, to a drive-through experience amid COVID-19. Participants were able to get take-home colon screening kits, HIV screenings, BP checks, glucose, cholesterol, and COVID screenings at the event which Miles termed a “significant pivot in such a time as this.” AHA provided take-home blood pressure kits for self-monitoring for those who were found to be hypertensive.

“You all are heroes in your respective areas, the assignments that you have, the passion that you have. All of these ideas [we are putting forth], they serve just as starting blocks,” said Shanklin. Among the many initiatives of the Center, Shanklin and his partners were able to feed 1200 people in Maryland and distribute over 50K pounds of food by leveraging county relationships.

Both Miles and Shanklin highlighted the value of partnering with organizations, including AHA. “I love the partnerships with AHA and EmPOWERED to Serve,” said Shanklin. Miles noted that the reimagined “Know Your Numbers” program gained traction due to partnerships with local AHA board members and Einstein Health.

“Powerful partnerships, meeting people where they are, and speaking with a trustworthy voice are three of the AHA’s Guiding Values — our 10 commitments to health equity — this shores up making sure that we are holding ourselves accountable so that we can make an impact,” said Garmon-Johnson.

American Heart Association, Eastern States Vice President Health Strategies Rhonda Ford-Chatmon asked webinar participants to provide feedback so that AHA can continue to strengthen community partnerships.

“Tell us what you need. We are here to be responsible. We are listening to you, and we want to be of help,” said Ford-Chatmon. She invited anyone with community needs to email questions or ideas to

To watch the entire workshop, click here.

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The AHA Launches 2nd Webinar in a Series Discussing Impact of COVID-19 on Communities of Color

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The AHA Convenes Health Equity Leaders to Discuss Impact of COVID-19 on Communities of Color

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COVID-19: The Impact on Communities of Color

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Empowering Entrepreneurs for healthier communities: EmPOWERED to Serve Business Accelerator Finale Event

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